[CHLEW] Okuratne świnie boże 2137

We may not be strong, but we are stupid


You are free to play with us. We do not expect active play. We can help you with your tasks on Carro.
Maybe we are not competitive, but we are running credit boosters every weekend.

Możesz grać z nami swobodnie. Nie oczekujemy aktywnej gry. Możemy pomóc Ci z zadaniami w Carro.
Może nie jesteśmy kompetetywni, ale organizujemy boosty kredytowe w każdy weekend.

Clan statistics

Number of members: 22

Ø Battles9463
Ø WN81512,72
Ø WinRate51,53%

Clan members


Clan history

Player nameChangeDate
dudus007Joined02/06/2025, 09:16 AM UTC
ryddiyLeft 02/02/2025, 09:06 PM UTC
KingtabaJoined01/31/2025, 11:59 AM UTC
DeniskunchikJoined01/27/2025, 06:52 PM UTC
Free_Samurai_1Joined01/22/2025, 05:28 PM UTC
kefirek_exeJoined01/21/2025, 11:48 AM UTC
piotrekcofJoined01/12/2025, 03:44 PM UTC