[FFUK1] fighting furies UK 1

"When in doubt - Attack. If you don't succeed - Attack again."


We are a UK based multi-gaming community joining together for friendly fun gaming. The founding members are experienced clan wars players and we do platoons, tank companies, training rooms and clan wars. We are a very friendly clan who play lots of different online games with fun and laughter in mind but always try to play at our best to learn from each other and improve. We enjoy working as a team, fighting as a team and winning as a team. Above everything else, win, lose or draw, we have fun and make friends and help each other.

Requirements for joining Fighting Furies UK
Players must be 18+, have Teamspeak 3 for communication and while all nationalities are welcome, the accepted language is English.

FFUK Alpha Team "Clan Wars Division- Tier X only
FFUK1 Bravo Team "Social Division" - Tier V to IX

You can apply here, PM one of the commanders / Recruiters or register at www.fightingfuries.co.uk or simply pop onto our TS: ts.fightingfuries.co.uk

Clan statistics

Number of members: 9

Ø Battles2688
Ø WN8496,41
Ø WinRate46,38%

Clan members

Skirmishes statistics


Clan history

Player nameChangeDate