GIFTD booster Clan
For past results go to GIFTD Clan Page
❯ 3.8k+ recent dpgs on 5+ tier 10 meta tanks
❯ Active at least 3 nights a week for Advances + working microphone with TeamSpeak.
For diplomacy contact: Iain11
This Clan used to be CULT
CULT is a RETIRED International, English speaking, clan. Part of the CULT Community with a total of 3 Clans and a big Community on Discord as well.
Renaissance Campaign: 20 Tanks, 15 players in top 5K
Thunderstorm Campaign: 37 Tanks, 21 players in top 5K
Confrontation Campaign: 20 Tanks
Iron Age Campaign: 32 Tanks
Season 16: Clan Position 46
Season 17: Clan Position 30
Season 18: Clan Position 7
Need information about CULT? Contact _Ami___
CULT Community Discord