[-APD-] Armed Penetration Division

You let me penetrate you, you let me complicate you.......


Our clan is looking for a few good penetrators. Puns are intended, and will get you extra brownie points.

Standards you should meet before applying:
- Ability to be on coms
- 50% or higher 30/60 day win rate 49% with a good win rate will be accepted.
- Efficiency of 1100 30/60 day / Efficiency of 1000 with a good win rate will be accepted.
- 2000 battles
- Sarcasm / Sense of Humor.

Our goal is to participate in :
- Strongholds (Skirmishes)
- Tournaments
- Platooning and counting down
- In the future possible Clan Wars.

What we Provide :
- Out of game Voice Coms.
- Website and Forums..
- Platooning not only with our Clan but others.
- Stronghold bonuses during prime playing hours.
- Playing with above average players
- Training rooms.
- Sense of Community.

If you meet the standards and would like to join us please apply or hit up WarriorRace_STL or any other Officer. Always remember not to be the guy with the 0 damage in the battle!

Clan statistics

Number of members: 1

Ø Battles0
Ø WN80,00
Ø WinRate0,00%

Clan members

Skirmishes statistics


Clan history

Player nameChangeDate