[-GOD-] Ghosts of Darkness

Turning Lead Into Gold!


Ghosts Of Darkness are looking for members who have fun and would like to share that fun with others. I run a self-functioning clan if you have tactic skills an is a leader, if you just started playing yesterday..we want you !! Old Young let's Play Have Fun!!!!

play tournaments and win gold
Share the reward of new and prem tank
Learn new skills and tact!!

We are also trying to put together a clan wars group that would participate in Advances and Skirmishes at least once a week to prepare for Global Map events. While there are no requirements to join this clan, if you would like to be part of this in-clan group, you will need at least one meta Tier 10. Please let message Angry_Tomato or express your interest in Global Map events when joining to find out more.

Good Hunting!


Clan statistics

Number of members: 37

Ø Battles13630
Ø WN81090,79
Ø WinRate48,93%

Clan members


Clan history

Player nameChangeDate