[-HOA-] Horsemen of the Apocalypse

Ace in the Hole


Performance. Winning. Respect.

Horsemen Of the Apocalypse is a mature, high-performance clan. Our primary goal is annihilate our opponents and serve our members well. We have a strong competitive player base. We offer a fun, drama-free environment, and treat both friends and opponents with respect.

If you're an experienced and skilled player, who is serious about winning, please submit an application. We are selectively recruiting with some of the requirements posted below.

- 18+ (Some exceptions considered)
- Nightly availability to play Tank Company's, platoons, Tournaments, and Clan Wars
- Teamspeak 3 with access to mic/headset @ wot-horsemen.com
- Register on our website, WoT-Horsemen.com

Clan statistics

Number of members: 7

Ø Battles7186
Ø WN81280,43
Ø WinRate49,32%

Clan members

Skirmishes statistics


Clan history

Player nameChangeDate