[-ID-] -Into Darkness-

"Where once we cowered, we will wade into the oncoming fire, undeniable and full of purpose"


"We each stand, a member of a greater cause. We will not falter, to slide into history as a footnote. Stand with me brothers, for we will prevail and burn our mark forever!"

Where once we were forgotten, we will let that slide no more. -ID- is a clan that allow anyone who is truly dedicated to the cause. You must be willing to show up when we call, for we do not allow anyone to just ignore our calls. We will triumph, for we have a sense of unity, purpose, and true dedication.
We are active and do strongholds and CW near daily
If you are interested: talk to one of the officers or just send in an application.
Here are our Clan limits for our brotherhood:

Requirements: We overlook any tier setbacks. However, you must be willing to be on-call for whenever something happens.

Clan statistics

Number of members: 23

Ø Battles12466
Ø WN8873,94
Ø WinRate48,66%

Clan members


Clan history

Player nameChangeDate