[-IP-] Iron Phalanx

Because Iron Phalanx sounds cooler than Internet Police...


Iron Phalanx is here to have fun, play in stronghold battles, platoon, and play in weekly skirmishes. Come and hang with us.

We used to be known as [MECH1], portions of [1RPD], [13AL], and had a brief stint as part of [STLM8].

For recruiting contact: USborderPATROL1, Millerboy6969 and Woundedraccoon
For diplomacy contact: We currently are not feeling so diplomatic.
For complaints contact: USborderPATROL1, Millerboy6969 and Woundedraccoon

Clan Requirements
800+ win8 rating and a tier 8 non-premium heavy tank
Must have Teamspeak3 and a working mic

Teamspeak: tx2.clanwarz.com:1147

Clan statistics

Number of members: 25

Ø Battles13927
Ø WN81057,86
Ø WinRate49,43%

Clan members


Clan history

Player nameChangeDate