[1GTBR] 1st Guards Tank Brigade of general-major M. E. Katukov

Courage, professional work, strategy...


From 4th to 9th october 1941, Katukov's 4th tank brigade stopped the german advance near Mtsensk. German forces have lost 133 tanks, 49 guns, 8 planes, 6 mortars, one regiment of infantry and much, much more. For these combats, Katukov's brigade had acquired the guards destignation, and became the 1st Guards Tank Brigade. Why? Because of courage, tank ambush strategy, professional work of tankmen.
This clan, and its members will make all the possible to fight like Katukov's tankmen and defend its territory. Deserters are not allowed! Fight for the Motherland! Si vis pacem, param.

Clan statistics

Number of members: 7

Ø Battles10038
Ø WN8734,07
Ø WinRate48,12%

Clan members

Skirmishes statistics


Clan history

Player nameChangeDate