[501IA] 501st Imperial Armored Cavalry

Thorough, Loyal, Ruthless. FOR THE EMPIRE!


Vader's first; the 501st Imperial Armored Cavalry is a competitive organization of tankers that places a high value on team work, ethics, and fun through victory. We are looking for mature players that are willing to make friends and make a mid to long term commitment. Those that are willing to commit themselves to join our clan will be rewarded with a positive tanking experience that cannot be found on a individual basis or in clans that do not share our values.

Minimum requirements to join 501IA include:

1. Life comes first above all gaming.

2. Be a mature player (No Drama).

3. Own at least a Tier 3 tank; be prepared to acquire a tier 10

4. Use Team Speak 3 (the program is free), must be logged in.

5. Support all clan activities

6. Do not use illegal mods

7. Maintain a tank of every tier for use in tournaments as time and resources permit

If your interested in joining 501IA; please contact paCriS, 73 Duster or a current member for more information.

Clan statistics

Number of members: 30

Ø Battles5581
Ø WN8726,95
Ø WinRate48,22%

Clan members


Clan history

Player nameChangeDate