[7ARBN] 7th Armored Battalion (Tiger Battalion)

Für den Kampf bereit


Welcome to the 7th Armored Battalion! Before you join us there are a few terms you must agree with:

1. You must follow orders and respect your leaders

2. Tier Requirement: VI+ in order to participate in clan activities

3. Enable WoT in game voice chat.

4. Refrain from any profane word on voice chat or on the messaging systems

5. Act mature

6. Be able to be online around 19:30-22:00 at least 3-4 times a week for Clan Wars

7. Respect other Clan Mates

8. Download TeamSpeak for use with clan activities.

9. Do your best in Clan Wars and have fun!

Also, stay up to date with us and what's going on at our blog: http://7tharmoredbattaliontigerbattalion.wordpress.com/

Anyone who does not follow these guidelines or has been offline for 35 days without providing a reason to a leader can be kicked out of the clan at any time by the Commander or Executive Officer(s). We are attempting to make this clan a stress-free, efficient, and a family-friendly environment.

Clan statistics

Number of members: 23

Ø Battles33050
Ø WN81180,75
Ø WinRate49,70%

Clan members


Clan history

Player nameChangeDate