"First to Fire"


Armored Outlaws is the oldest, yet still active clan around today in World of Tanks. Our story started in early 2010, and the saga of the Outlaws continues to this day. We are comprised of only mature adult players. [AO] is a competitive clan, with the goal of winning through teamwork. All members are required to be clan battle ready and be professional. We are always willing to try new strategies, listen to player’s concerns, and allow members to command clan battles if they show the skill.

Age 18+
Minimum 50% win ratio, at least 5 Tier X tanks.
Must be friendly and mature, we like to joke around and debate, yet be respectful.
Be active in Clan Functions at least 4 days a week.
Must have Mic & be on TeamSpeak while in-game during evenings and clan wars.
Teamspeak: aots.teamspeak3.com
Check out our video! https://youtu.be/9MhSujnj7Mw

Clan statistics

Number of members: 55

Ø Battles25178
Ø WN81289,35
Ø WinRate49,79%

Clan members


Clan history

Player nameChangeDate