[AW7X] 7th Armored Brigade

'Today the enemy will hear the roar of humanity. And they will fear us." ~~ Colonel Akono Menteith


We are a small community that falls under the umbrella of the United Nations Space Command (UNSC) Gaming Community. Our community utilizes Teamspeak 3 for communication purposes. We would prefer it if you have a microphone, however exceptions can be made on a case by case basis

The clan is on open recruitment for the time being but the current officers reserve the right to kick anyone from the clan if they do not meet our future requirements.

Please PM NeroClaudiusDrusus, or Razgriz776 if you have any issues connecting to the Teamspeak server

Questions? Please contact an officer in game to resolve any queries you might have. Thank you!

Teamspeak IP Address: unsc-gaming.teamspeak3.com

Clan statistics

Number of members: 15

Ø Battles4561
Ø WN81113,08
Ø WinRate48,51%

Clan members


Clan history

Player nameChangeDate