[CBPB] Code Black Plague Battalion

To enjoy killing the enemy tanks we fall upon.


We are a clan that will raise from nothing, the road might be long but that doesn't stop the willing. Enemies will come and go , same with friends... after all this is just a game.
This clan was inspired by friends I tanked with, there is a focus here though. To have fun when the time comes be prepared for the battles we may encounter.

There are just a few requirements to join:

WN8 of 1200 Overall/Recent
48% Win Rate
3k Battles
2+ Viable Tier 10 Clan War Tanks
Be active, if not active for a week without informing us you might be removed for a active clan member.
Part take in as many as possible clan events.
* Must be 18 years or older.

To join you may either submit an application or message an officer.

Clan statistics

Number of members: 11

Ø Battles13818
Ø WN8978,88
Ø WinRate48,68%

Clan members

Skirmishes statistics


Clan history

Player nameChangeDate