[CERB] Cerberus Unleashed

"Right-Click, Left-Click"


Integrity-Loyalty-Winning-Big Derp Guns

If you have these things feel free to apply

Recently split from H4cks Community. if you are interested in joining contact any officers in Cerb for the chance to join our great community.


-We are A clan with years of experience.
-Most of us have been around the block, and seen how things work, but think its time for change with new leadership aiming for the global map and taking what is ours.
-Most of us are very experienced when it comes to shooting derp guns, but are willing to give advice and

-Our biggest goal is building our structure and developing trust and team cohesion all whilst having fun in the mix.

-Must have a 3 clan wars tier 10 tanks
-1200 overall and 1400+ recent Wn8
-Participation in Slack Communication Tool MANDATORY
-3-4 days a week

Clan statistics

Number of members: 4

Ø Battles5861
Ø WN82202,59
Ø WinRate56,22%

Clan members

Skirmishes statistics


Clan history

Player nameChangeDate