[CFSM] Clan of the Flying Spaghetti Monsters

we're special


we play for fun, it's a game after all
no stress, this is a release, not a job
Stronghold skirmishes, competition goals, Tournaments.(again it's a game)
Requesting age 25 and up (we're an older troupe and we can get a bit stupid on comms )
Also request that you have and use TeamSpeak 3 when in game.
We are a mix of UK/EU, USA, and maybe a Canadian or two.
so hop on the bus Guss... and set yourself free

if you are applying to join feel free to message shocker22 in game


Clan statistics

Number of members: 36

Ø Battles10421
Ø WN81154,50
Ø WinRate50,51%

Clan members


Clan history

Player nameChangeDate