[CL-AN] Clueless Losers and Noobs

Blind leading the blind


We are a group of players who don't care about your epeen. We don't care how L33T you think you are. We just like to platoon up and play. Do you have thick skin? Because we talk mad trash to each other. We play WoT because we like to be manipulated and abused by the Matchmaker and RNG. We truly enjoy getting so mad at WoT that we have to replace broken keyboards at least bi-monthly.

Most of us have true Military experience, not saying we use it because it doesn't work. We love this game and if you think you would fit in with a bunch of foul mouthed, crap talking older guys give us a jingle.

I cant promise you wins, but I can promise you alot of laughs.

We have our own Teamspeak Server and all members and their guests are welcome. The Server is and the password can be given by a member. PLEASE REMEMBER TEAMSPEAK IS FREE FOR YOU!!!!!!! USE IT!!!!

Clan statistics

Number of members: 17

Ø Battles3326
Ø WN8835,92
Ø WinRate47,82%

Clan members


Clan history

Player nameChangeDate