[CLASR] CLASS's Reserve Forces

All Are Welcome


CLASR is the reserve component of the CLASS Family, consisting of CLASS, CLASX, CLASY, CLASZ, CLASA, CLASB, CLASC, CLASD, CLASE, CLASF and CLASL.

CLASR does not have any requirements to join and is left on open recruitment. All players who join will immediately be promoted to Recruitment Officer so they can invite their friends!

Teamspeak3 is not required but members are welcome to join! The Address is: cf.clants.net.
*If you have never used Teamspeak3, here is a link on how to get into our server!

If you have any questions about the clan, please message: Michiganspartans, lordtomas_sniper or Darth_Tater. For questions about recruiting, please message: Mossy22 or GunnyUSMC!

We hope you join us!

Clan statistics

Number of members: 13

Ø Battles7843
Ø WN81555,12
Ø WinRate52,02%

Clan members

Skirmishes statistics


Clan history

Player nameChangeDate