[DAUSA] Dogflea's Army - USA Tanker Division

Dogflea's Army - Misfits that love to tank!


Welcome to Dogflea's Army USA Tanker Division!

We are a rabble of misfits that love to drive tanks and blow stuff up! Some of us are old, some young, some survivors, some disabled, some still battling but we all have one thing in common... We love driving tanks, so bring your friends & make some new ones. Tank Collectors Welcome too!

DAUSA IS REBUILDING!!! 30+ Battles 3 X's a week or more!
Some of us are on all the time, some weekends, few every now n' then but all of us love to play. We chat in American English & use our discord server for in game talk.

We enjoy having fun above all. We have great, good and not so good tankers of all ages. We enjoy drinking & smokin' so, don't spill your beer, butter beer or start your tanks on fire. We frown upon political correctness. Report any spills or pour conduct to Executive Commander @DogfleaVegas on twitter. Have a great day wherever your wanderlust takes you, Cheers!!!

Welcome to Dogflea's Army. Now let's go blow stuff up!

Clan statistics

Number of members: 12

Ø Battles3210
Ø WN8489,51
Ø WinRate43,97%

Clan members


Clan history

Player nameChangeDate