[DDT3] Daredevil Donkey Team3

Donkey Warriors Pack 'in Steel Toes


Donkey Daredevils Kick ass !!
Our Base is on the Pacific Coast of the U. S. our members should be from there and MTN Time zone. Recruits and new members need to commit to at least three
days a week of several hours when online.. things like ' I can play late evening 's ' help us place Donkey Warriors where they can Help fill time slots ..hey bring a friend !!
Your Commader plays mid-day too early evening : before and during dinner time; would be slot also an early morning or Graveyard type slot, eventually for folks in the Denver or Mtn time zone but, first things first.
Warriors don't need to be great players (I'm kind bad) but, they should want to improve there game, ask for suggestions and be slightly social for the building of Teamwork and helping Teammates; Lets stay fun! not negative...be respectful.


Clan statistics

Number of members: 32

Ø Battles5069
Ø WN8463,82
Ø WinRate46,64%

Clan members


Clan history

Player nameChangeDate