[DULLC] Damage Unlimited LLC

No plan survives first contact with the enemy!


Do you want to play Tier 6 skirms?

DULLC is consistently either #1 or #2 in total number of tier 6 battles. We play a lot. We average 20 battles EVERY NIGHT.

o No minimum requirements for participation per week or month
o Teamspeak is required
o A strong sense of humor is required. Snowflakes GTFO.
o You really should have one or all of these tanks (in order of preference: T34-85M, Cromwell or Cromwell B)
o You really should have your crew trained up to at least 3 skills including Brothers in Arms.
o If you can't follow the call, don't bother. You need to be ready to play as a team and that might mean you need to purposely take damage or die intentionally. It's not about you, it's about the team.
o If you are thin-skinned and make excuses for your own bad play, don't bother.
o You will be called hilarious names and made fun of. Suck it up and laugh, bud.
o If you meet the above requirements, we will find a theme song that matches your in game name and play it frequently

Clan statistics

Number of members: 46

Ø Battles12376
Ø WN8696,53
Ø WinRate47,00%

Clan members


Clan history

Player nameChangeDate