[ESSEX] Essex-Kent Scottish

Semper Paratus


Purpose: We are a social clan of gentle-tankers who look to improve our skills and have fun. A place for tankers to gather, help each other improve, find platoon-mates and to tell tall tales.
New Members:
1. We recruit through referrals and member vouches. We will have prospective new clan-mates join us in TS3 for a few platoons before we decide if you are a good fit. If you are interested look to platoon with one of our clan-mates.
2. At the end of your interview we may decide immediately or collaborate privately to come to a conclusion.
3. Character and chemistry matter more than stats but no one wants to carry a tanker who isn't learning.
4. At this time we have no desire to conduct open-recruiting. Getting bigger isn't the goal. Getting better is.
Play with Class: It is my desire to keep out of the trash-talking that goes on in World of Tanks. It is our desire to be well regarded.

Clan statistics

Number of members: 6

Ø Battles7099
Ø WN81214,37
Ø WinRate50,53%

Clan members

Skirmishes statistics


Clan history

Player nameChangeDate