[HORDE] Horde

We are Horde


HORDE is rebuilding with new purpose. We have moved our activities to a mostly Low profile Clan.

Our main purpose will be a no pressure relax clan attitude with no agenda. We understand that putting together a good gaming community to improve our chances at victory seems only logical.
Platooning, socializing and occasional tournaments ( Stand-To / Skirmish ) is the goal. Once we have enough members occasional Stronghold battles will be welcome.

Members are free to do as they wish within the WOT universe as long as we keep the HORDE identity in mind.
We are looking for friendly, respectful, laid-back, and intelligent players with decent skills who enjoy working as a team
For diplomacy, recruiting, or other info PM the Commander or an XO.

4k+ Battles
51%+ WR
Contact PossumHopper or any Executive Officer for diplomacy.
Or email ThePossumHopper@gmail.com (new recruits please email upon joining so you can be on list

Clan statistics

Number of members: 17

Ø Battles15232
Ø WN81368,79
Ø WinRate52,49%

Clan members


Clan history

Player nameChangeDate