[I_AM1] We are I AM

We who serve the LORD GOD and are about to die salute you and will see you in PARADISE and GLORY!


We are all here to fulfill a purpose. We will help those who ask, seek, and knock. We will fulfill our mission. We may loose some battles along the way, but we shall not fail in achieving our: purpose, objectives, missions, war and Finality! So saith the ((({{{[[[GREAT]]] **[[[{{{[I AM]}}}]]]**]]]}}}))). So it is written so let it be done! Together we will fight into GLORY!

Clan statistics

Number of members: 94

Ø Battles16342
Ø WN81270,59
Ø WinRate50,13%

Clan members


Clan history

Player nameChangeDate
Jhonny_HernandezLeft 03/18/2025, 03:01 AM UTC