[JHTI] JunkerHiryu's Tanking Institute

A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.


As promised I've made a streaming channel for the community. So, as Char has so graciously asked, join me on my failscapdes through WoT.

The playerbase in WoT is lacking in direction, regardless of tank tier. I cannot say the knowledge isn't out there because many players have found different places to get information be it the guides on the official forums, the new WoTLabs forums, or elsewhere.

I thoroughly believe that players want to improve... they just don't know how (especially because 90% of players don't even know the forums exist).

So, what am I getting at here? We've gone over the main points of what makes WoT a great game and what we feel ruins the experience ad infinitum. So I want to extend my hand to help the community. I now have the tools to do so and will be working diligently with any player that contacts me via this stream, forums, or in game.

Clan statistics

Number of members: 9

Ø Battles14639
Ø WN81595,11
Ø WinRate53,59%

Clan members

Skirmishes statistics


Clan history

Player nameChangeDate