We play for fun but we play to WIN !


This clan was created to become the best in the game. We want leaders and team players. No one person will ever be allowed to kick you out of this clan. If you join our clan it is for life. We value you input and want to here from you.

We will not have just one leader calling all the shots. There will be many and we will all work together as a team. If you have what it takes step up. By doing this there will always be a leader to guide our team. This team will never be without Leadership.

We want you to be as active as you can and support Clan Wars. We will share all information we have to make you the best player you can be in WOT. We will share all winnings with all active players. GOLD for you !!

If you want to grow with a clan and become the best then join us and speak up.

Clan statistics

Number of members: 13

Ø Battles30419
Ø WN8895,24
Ø WinRate48,19%

Clan members

Skirmishes statistics


Clan history

Player nameChangeDate