[LXG] - Legio XIII Gemina -

Legio XIII. . . .Assailed the World!!!



We are currently looking for 15 Clan Wars ready tankers. Overall win percentage is not important. But we would like you to have shown improvement in all XVM stats over the last 60 days. Basically are you getting better.

We are a clan with a mix of active/retired tankers, gaming nerds, and just a great group of guys (and gals). We like to have fun so if you are Mr. or Mrs. Drama this clan is not for you. We like to win. So please plan to attend training rooms and map tactic secessions for CW preparations. We run clan wars almost every night. We use Team speak. We require that you be in TS if you want to participate in CW.

You must be 18+ to join. Our team speak chat is not G rated.

Our Team Speak address is lxg.teamspeak3.com:9251 Diplo's please contact Gphat or RockSolid.

If you decide to join be prepared to have fun, win, laugh, and just have a plain old good time.

Tank up and Join the Mighty 13th - Legio XIII.

Clan statistics

Number of members: 56

Ø Battles14449
Ø WN81150,81
Ø WinRate49,10%

Clan members


Clan history

Player nameChangeDate