[M00N] Moon Platoon

And Not A Moment Too Soon!


The Moon is thought to have formed approximately 4.5 billion years ago. It was most likely created from the debris left over after a giant impact between Earth and a Mars-sized body called Theia. We are one of 8 clans collectively known as The Solar System Clan Union. The Union includes [0RI0N] the Hunter, [I0] Not I Owe, The [PLUT0] Gang, The [C0MET] Club, By [J0VE], [N0VA-] The Super Nova and [S0LAR] Plexus.

[M00N and [I0] - Platoon clans - 48%+ win rate

[C0MET] and [PLUT0] - Tier 6 Stronghold and Tourney - 50%+

[J0VE] and [0RI0N] - Tier 8 Strongholds and Tourney - 52%+

[S0LAR] and [N0VA-] - Tier 10 Stronghold and Clan Wars - 54%+


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Clan statistics

Number of members: 20

Ø Battles6980
Ø WN8978,14
Ø WinRate49,39%

Clan members


Clan history

Player nameChangeDate