[MUTT] a Little Bit of Everything

Tanking, Platooning, Having Fun


We are a clan full of people from all walks of life,who have become friends. We like to platoon up, do skirmishes and clan wars.

If you have any questions message "baddsoul" in game or in discord.
Our Discord info is (https://discord.gg/fNYMHKHatG).

All applications will be looked at case by case.
Recent win8 of 1000+
Total Battles: 5000+
Minimum 2 Tier 10 Meta Tanks

We require all members to participate in skirmishes, tier 6-10s. You are expected to take part throughout the month, with a minimum of 20 battles.

We also run reserves nightly for all members as a benefit to our Clan.

We believe in creating lasting friendships in the game, look for players to watch each others backs, learn different play styles, and share knowledge. In the end, becoming good friends.

We honor the original commander "Brian" AKA Brakingdog RIP

Clan statistics

Number of members: 25

Ø Battles31657
Ø WN81021,12
Ø WinRate48,74%

Clan members


Clan history

Player nameChangeDate