[NASCA] North American Seal Clubbers of MERIKA

One good clubbing deserves another, amirite!


We are an ultra casual clan.
Mature-ish members only.
No voice coms required.
No real skill required.
Must take an unhealthy interest in killing defenseless animals.

We are just and easy going clan for people who want a relaxed atmosphere.

We do platoons and some strongholds.

We don't do Clan Wars.

We don't do anything that requires you show up at a specific day or time.

We run Skirmishes Mon-Wed-Fri from 8 to 9 pm EST for those interested.

We accept pretty much anyone, however, we uphold a very strict no bots policy! Now I did say no botS, that means we can have one, his name is DarkNexus. He is our official mascot.

Were are part of of the United Clans of Merika alliance. If you are looking for a more involved clan, please see our sister clan: MRKA

For more information and to apply, please visit the MRKA clan site: MerikaClan.com

Clan statistics

Number of members: 33

Ø Battles4751
Ø WN8875,53
Ø WinRate48,73%

Clan members


Clan history

Player nameChangeDate