[O4RIP] Out for a Rip

Just out for a Rip are ya bud?


I’m from the Great White North, right, like up above the States
The big land mass that the rest of the world hates
Well we’re like, above that, fuckin' north I guess
The big patch of trees where everybody’s bored to death
We’re just chillin’ up here, sippin’ syrup, playin’ hockey
Before we learn to walk, we can crosscheck properly
Just rockin’ plaid jackets, chainsaws we operate ‘em right
Fuckin’ eh right we do bud, we cut our weight in firewood
Every 20 minutes or so... smoke break!
And if the Leafs make the playoffs, I’ll fuckin’ jump in the lake
Fuckin’ buddy comes over to my place the other night
And he’s like “wanna go out for a rip?”
And I was like “fuckin’ right!” (yeah)
So we hop in the truck and hit the mud and I was like
“Oooohh fuck yeah bud!”

Interior British Columbia Tank Corp.
Canadian eh?
Looking for more locals to go out for a rip!

Clan statistics

Number of members: 24

Ø Battles5204
Ø WN81281,14
Ø WinRate51,32%

Clan members


Clan history

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