[PARAL] Parallax

Excel, Improve for the future


Looking for active members in a growing clan. We are the sister clan of PARAX. This clan will also be trying to participate in clan wars and strongholds.

If you do no fit into PARAX's minimum requirements this will be the clan you are interested in.

This clan has a few major requirements:

*Activity (So we can get into clan wars)
*Two Tier 8's (exceptions can be made based on activity and willingness to learn)
*Teamspeak (exceptions can be made but must be run by leadership)
*Enjoying the game(No bad mouthing PARAX/PARAL players in no way shape or form)

Applying can be done through ingame (talking with, OriginalKev, RiotingVirus , Dragonmist or Zeth333), Or applications on Website.

This clan also has important benefits to it, if deemed that any player wants to move up to PARAX once acquiring the proper requirements. Plus given a invite may move into the sister clan.

Clan statistics

Number of members: 22

Ø Battles6929
Ø WN8747,05
Ø WinRate47,95%

Clan members


Clan history

Player nameChangeDate
RalazoLeft 03/15/2025, 03:00 AM UTC