[REL-A] Relic Armoured Auxiliary

Ut perseverare esse victores \ To persevere is to be victorious.


Relic Armoured Auxiliary is the third and primary training division in RELIC World of Tanks. We provide a safe place to learn, improve, and grow to provide members the opportunity to eventually move up to RELIC Second, and Main. Primarily an 18+ environment, however exceptions can be made for mature characters.

TS:- ts.relicgaming.org ; PW relic1

Application Requirements

1600+ last 60 day WN8 (exceptions can be made)
5 CW Tanks (preferred)
3 Days a week of availability
Willing to learn, and take feedback
A microphone and a voice to use it

Please contact Jackal476 or any recruiter for further recruitment, or any questions you might have.

Clan statistics

Number of members: 97

Ø Battles35060
Ø WN81631,44
Ø WinRate52,01%

Clan members

Skirmishes statistics


Clan history

Player nameChangeDate
Hellcat291Joined03/26/2025, 02:56 AM UTC
Robo_BoyJoined03/23/2025, 11:34 PM UTC
iH8myS3LFLeft 03/19/2025, 03:01 AM UTC
Scuddles22Left 03/19/2025, 03:01 AM UTC
Solar_11Left 03/18/2025, 11:18 PM UTC
Twigs2014Left 03/18/2025, 11:16 PM UTC
iW1ndowL1ckerLeft 03/18/2025, 11:16 PM UTC
Salty_ChevronJoined03/17/2025, 03:14 AM UTC
MalignantCapstone1Left 03/17/2025, 03:01 AM UTC
MalignantCapstoneJoined03/16/2025, 06:13 PM UTC
ScharfschutzeRSJoined03/14/2025, 09:12 PM UTC
zombimax69Left 03/14/2025, 02:15 PM UTC
NashTNJoined03/10/2025, 11:35 PM UTC
_Stangz_Left 03/09/2025, 02:18 AM UTC
808BassBlasterJoined03/08/2025, 03:53 AM UTC
norlockeJoined03/07/2025, 05:59 AM UTC
Maddog13GolfJoined03/05/2025, 01:52 AM UTC
Not_Ogre_CHAN_OwO_69Left 03/02/2025, 03:01 AM UTC
Spencer925Left 03/01/2025, 11:16 PM UTC
TankCaptain_1Left 03/01/2025, 03:01 AM UTC
biel2806Left 03/01/2025, 03:01 AM UTC
Bubble_et_son_ptit_chat1Joined02/28/2025, 11:40 PM UTC
Bliz_KillJoined02/28/2025, 11:12 PM UTC
CostcoChickenBake_Left 02/28/2025, 11:18 AM UTC
BearsClawLeft 02/28/2025, 03:01 AM UTC
WingedParasite0Left 02/28/2025, 03:01 AM UTC
Blackbird_______________Left 02/28/2025, 03:01 AM UTC
russMan22Joined02/28/2025, 02:59 AM UTC
Qc_BabyJoined02/28/2025, 01:40 AM UTC
Metal_Warrior021Joined02/28/2025, 01:36 AM UTC
zombimax69Joined02/28/2025, 01:36 AM UTC
Dusty019Joined02/28/2025, 12:47 AM UTC
GigemJoined02/27/2025, 06:22 PM UTC
BobGoblin1Joined02/27/2025, 12:16 AM UTC
WilkAFJoined02/26/2025, 10:55 PM UTC
Bigg_smokeLeft 02/26/2025, 11:17 AM UTC
ElectricCallboyLeft 02/26/2025, 11:16 AM UTC
OMG_He_Held_The_ShotLeft 02/26/2025, 02:15 AM UTC
HoccusJoined02/26/2025, 01:32 AM UTC
_ZeroWN8_Left 02/25/2025, 11:18 PM UTC
OnslaughtEnjoyerLeft 02/25/2025, 11:18 PM UTC