[S-W-E] Serbian White Eagles

Be proud of who you are and what you are. Never look down. War will make us stronger!!!!!


S-W-E was started in 2014 as the one of first Serbian speaking clan on the NA server. Since then S-W-E has evolved into a very diverse international clan with members from around the world. You can still enjoy the accent, but all battles are called in English as the large majority of members all speak and understand English vary vary guud

We are a casual clan that likes to battle in Clan Wars. If battles don't find us, we will find battles. Gold is distributed proportionally for participation in CWs. We do hope that you join the clan for the clan wars and a pleasant community!!

For clan Voice Chat is necessary to download RaidCall>> LInk below<<


For clan web page go to <<<link below>>>


Clan statistics

Number of members: 10

Ø Battles17671
Ø WN81220,49
Ø WinRate49,71%

Clan members

Skirmishes statistics


Clan history

Player nameChangeDate