[SOGG] special operations group gamers

Cave Adsum


SOGG is Social Clan of mostly experienced gamers who enjoy camaraderie and team play. We require that you are 18+ years old and have at least one Tier 6 tank to join. We also require that you install and use our Team Speak server because it greatly enhances the Social aspect of being in the Clan and communication in Skirmishes, Advances, and Tournaments is vital.

SOGG is recruiting because we are looking for players who enjoy Platoons, Strongholds, Advances, and Tournaments, but we will NEVER loose sight that this is a game and that you choose to play and participate. Although we play on NA server, we have a great group of members and officers from all over the world - including a large contingent of military veterans.

If you are interested in joining us, visit our website and/or join our Team Speak Server and talk with one of our Clan Officers.

Web Site: http://www.sogg.clanwebsite.com

TS3 server address: SOGG (registered name)

Clan statistics

Number of members: 70

Ø Battles21390
Ø WN81095,90
Ø WinRate49,41%

Clan members


Clan history

Player nameChangeDate