[STRMD] Select Tankers Racking Munitions Daily

Just a group of people having fun, its just a game!


A bunch of guys and gals of all ages interested in having fun and jabbering at each other. We take it seriously, but not to the point of absurdity. If you want to have fun and socialize with a bunch of fun guys and gals ... then COME ON DOWN!

There is someone on almost ALL the time!

We use discord ... totally free for anyone in the clan ... we are now making it a requirement that you must be on discord unless you have a VALID reason. We have 1 member who can not talk ... and HE gets on discord ALL THE TIME.

If you don't want to/won't associate with other clan members, then what is the purpose in joining a clan? If you want to be a member, then BE A MEMBER!

Clan statistics

Number of members: 45

Ø Battles18922
Ø WN8907,28
Ø WinRate47,58%

Clan members


Clan history

Player nameChangeDate