[T-ALL] Twisted Alliance

Mess with the Best, Die Like the Rest


T-ALL is a clan seeking for new and experience players, available to participate in clan wars, advances and skirmishes.
We like to have fun while we sharpen and refine our gaming skills in the training room or by platooning with other players in the clan.
We always seek for fights with other top clans.
Having a competitive edge don’t held us from having a good community relationship.

Requirements For [T-ALL] :

1.- Speaks Spanish or English to communicates during games.
2.- WN8 - 1000+ and Win Rate - 48%+
3.- At least a CW tanks in the current meta, 277, Obj. 140, IS-7, 5A, Type 5, sConq, BatCha
4.- be active as much as live let you be.
5.- Most importantly, the ability and willingness to better yourself as a competitive player.
6.- Evaluation by a recruiter.
7.- TeamSpeak is mandatory: Server Address: t-all.servegame.com

Contact: CUBANREBELDE, ZZUUCCKK or THEDUTCHMAN87 (TeamSpeak Only) for recruitment.

Clan statistics

Number of members: 16

Ø Battles12031
Ø WN8978,41
Ø WinRate48,16%

Clan members

Skirmishes statistics


Clan history

Player nameChangeDate