Learn to swim


Metal and Rock loving bros having fun yolo ramming the last man standing in clan battles or sneaking up behind them and heshing their exhaust pipe. no lube so learn to swim

Excepting applications for fun players looking to battle together. Also looking for more callers especially someone for tier 8s.

50% winrate preferred, 48%+ winrate ok
4500+ Personal Rating preferred.
Lower then that, just hit MJK_T00L.

1 fast tier 6 with good crew for SHs
2-3 tier 8s.
One meta tier 10 or at least working on it, and can get it in the next 2 months.
Prefer 5+ meta tier 10s for future events. Working on a tier 10 advance team and future clan war team.

Talk to MJK or just submit a application, we like running boosters to help fam progess.

Clan statistics

Number of members: 24

Ø Battles14246
Ø WN81196,21
Ø WinRate49,96%

Clan members


Clan history

Player nameChangeDate