[TATU] Tactical Armored Tank Unit

Brave Rifles... Blood... and Steel


Tactical Armored Tank Unit (TATU) is a competitive goal oriented clan with a very unique casual attitude. Leaders of TATU come from many Clans from the World of Tanks community, GLOCK being the biggest portion.

Lead by an experienced group of players, we are a team-first minded clan. TATU is for player’s age 18+ with a microphone and the TeamSpeak3 client installed. We also are looking for a minimum of 1 Clan wars Ready tier X, with a 60 day WN8 of 1200 and overall WN8 must show improvement. We are a newer clan but we are not new to the game. If you have a/or Tier X(s) tank and are willing to learn our cooperative play style, then apply now! For more information visit our website at www.tatuclan.com or visit our TeamSpeak.

Website Address http://tatuclan.com/

TeamSpeak address: ts.parsonage.co:835.

Clan statistics

Number of members: 17

Ø Battles12825
Ø WN81064,31
Ø WinRate48,26%

Clan members

Skirmishes statistics


Clan history

Player nameChangeDate