[UNEXP] Unexpectation

Have no expectations, take responsibility, and learn


Caller is almost always responsible for a loss, but only sometimes responsible for a win:
Caller's unrealistic expectations results in a loss, but irrespective of how good the calls are, a win is usually achieved because the players do well.

Doing well is not expected, only learning is:
Caller's expectation from a player will rarely match the reality. Only expectation is that the callers and players retrospectively think about what they could have done better.

No stress over losses, no frustration against any member:
No one will be shouted at for failing a call. A caller is only allowed to shout to get attention, in case other members are talking.

Fair inflow, fair outflow:
Members should participate in team training, which costs credits, to learn to play better and build coordination with each other. When the clan earns, members are compensated fairly.

1k battles, 5k PR, 49% WR, 2+ tier 10 meta tanks. No bullying, gloating, racism, bias or toxic behavior.

Clan statistics

Number of members: 1

Ø Battles0
Ø WN80,00
Ø WinRate0,00%

Clan members

Skirmishes statistics


Clan history

Player nameChangeDate