[VPG-R] Vorbild Panzergruppe Reserve

Securing victory is our goal : doing so with respectful fun is the method.


Reserve clan for Vorbild Panzergruppe.

If you don't have end tier tanks yet, but are on your way and want to learn with VPG this is the place for you.

Please visit the VPG forum
Visit our website, register a username (your WoT IGN is preferred), and fill out an application.

Typical Operations: 8:00 - 11:30 PM Eastern (5:00 - 8:30 PM Pacific).

- Age: 18+ (no exceptions!)
- Teamspeak and a microphone
- At least 1000 battles (no exceptions!)
- 48.00% WR or higher
- At least a Tier 6 Heavy, or Tier 6 Medium, or Tier 4 arty (to run Tank Companies)

Please go to "Vorbild Forums" :http://forums.vorbildpanzergruppe.com , register and fill out our applicant form.

For info, contact Porscha on WoT Forums.

Happy tanking :)

Clan statistics

Number of members: 30

Ø Battles9137
Ø WN81270,12
Ø WinRate51,56%

Clan members


Clan history

Player nameChangeDate