[WAIFU] The Anime Justice Warriors starring in: Mr. SerB's Wild Ride

Welcome all WAIFUs!


Do you...

- Own / Rent / Use a waifu?
- Have an autistic obsession with vidya games?
- Meet our lewd wn8 requirements?

If you meet any one of these criteria, please send us your application. We only ask that you don't talk crap about anyone else's waifu, nor NTR other clan-mates, and finally not to argue about dubs versus subs, because in the end they'e all Chinese cartoons anyways.

In order to attract more active players, we are asking that you have at least 2000 games played, one tier 8, and a 1200+ recent wn8. We mainly focus on clan platooning and discussing the recent episode of (insert anime here).

Put in an application, and feel free to PM any Executive, Personnel, or Recruiting Officer.

Clan statistics

Number of members: 46

Ø Battles6467
Ø WN81218,08
Ø WinRate50,66%

Clan members


Clan history

Player nameChangeDate