[_FAM_] We Need a Better Name

If we don't know what we're doing how can our enemy?


FAM was a top clan in 2016.... We died trying to get people a duck tape camo. Now its 2018 and we died again, However its 2022 so lets try this again for a third time.

FAM is Back and Recruiting again!

Recruitment Criteria:
Looking for chill people
Preferred Overall WN8 = Lmao who cares
Preferred Recent WN8 = 2.8k+ Exceptions can be made for each individual player depending on previous competitive clan history.
Recent WinRate: 55%
Viable T10 Tanks: 5+
Average 3k damage in tier 10 meta tanks
Attendance: 3+Nights a week
Required TeamSpeak3 (free download) and Mic. We use Discord and it is now Mandatory (Free app, you just need an email address).

Main people to contact:
Recruitment--- Purnini, Lundbrady, Renegade, and Greyshift
Diplo------ Wrangle Brutal, and WaRPecker___
Complaints Department--- Wrangle, WaRP3cker___, Papi_PotatoFiller, Renegade and Purnini


Clan statistics

Number of members: 31

Ø Battles21507
Ø WN82279,44
Ø WinRate57,15%

Clan members


Clan history

Player nameChangeDate