[_MOE_] Yamete Kudasai Ooooneeechan Soko Wa Dame Desu



Moe Stands for 萌え(もえ)

If you're an Unexperienced and Unskilled player, who is serious about Losing, please submit an application.

[_MOE_] is the imoto clan of [-MOE-] (。・`ω ́・)
get on ☛ TS or QQ group BEFORE you apply

Teamspeak3 server address: ts.wot.moe
QQ Group number: 519149021
Please wait for admin to help you :3

MOE Minimum Requirements:
☛ Be on Teamspeak while in game and in QQ Group while in clan ARE REAQUIRED
☛ Weeaboo who luvs Anime.
☛ No sht talk in general
☛ everyone in this clan accepts u and keep good relations
Contact ☛Shouyu_Kousaka for more informantion


Clan statistics

Number of members: 47

Ø Battles5602
Ø WN81513,90
Ø WinRate51,65%

Clan members


Clan history

Player nameChangeDate