NA Serverstatistics

Tracked player: 599036

Active player: 81296

Tracked clans: 24848

Active clans: 21332

Created with Highcharts 9.1.0Player Distribution by WN8(%)Player Distribution by WN8Very BadBadBelow AverageAverageGoodVery GoodGreatUnicumSuper Unicum0102030
Created with Highcharts 9.1.0Ø WN8 by Tank TypeMedium tankMedium tankHeavy tankHeavy tankLight tankLight tankTank destroyerTank destroyerSPGSPG
Created with Highcharts 9.1.0Player Distribution byAverage Tier (%)Player Distribution by Average Tier1234567891005k10k15k
Created with Highcharts 9.1.0Tank Type DistributionMedium tankMedium tankHeavy tankHeavy tankLight tankLight tankTank destroyerTank destroyerSPGSPG

NA Server Tank Statistics

Last update: 03/18/2025, 01:02 AM UTC
